Elias HernandezCoach

Elias Hernandez helps organizations and individuals enhance their lives by helping them identify and
reach their goals. His unique brand of Living the Optimum Life elevates attitude, personal power, focus, and
drive. This boosts productivity, resourcefulness, and innovation. Ultimately, this helps us reach the optimum
level in important areas of our lives. Known to his colleagues as Laser, his name reflects his approach to
helping others. He is laser focused on you and getting you and your life on target.
His clients, and audiences get to experience his playful approach to learning principles that are so
practical they can be put to use immediately. Elias lays out the way to live your optimum life simply. No more
settling for, “this is good enough.” Breakthrough limits with Laser as you listen, engage, and practice principles
he teaches in his moving keynote addresses and definitely doable coaching that will bring you up, level by level
to living the optimum life you want to live.

Jill HernandezBlu Robinson